Driving Instructors Vacancies

Approved Instructor Training


We currently have vacancies in the areas listed above for Approved

Driving Instructors that are

moving from a Franchise or

struggling on their own.

We are also seeking

applicants to Train to become

an Approved Driving Instructor, using our new online E-Course. A background in teaching or coaching is ideal, however, full assessment and training is provided for you.

“In 2009 we dedicated our resources to change with the economic climate by using online strategies.

This has resulted in us turning away 69% of our customers between January - March 2016, whilst others struggle for Business.”

Our Recruitment Drive is to fill an existing gap and ensure that we continue to grow as fast or faster than the UK economy.

Why come with us?

Our success speaks for itself, not only in our training, but also as a Driving School.

Franchise Operation, which has retained its Driving Instructors for over 51 years of loyalty between six of us.

We have always focused on Quality not Quantity and continue to do so in our future plans.

We also use the latest technology, between iPads to give real time information or diagrams and in-car camera systems, where we can play back faults to allow better understanding and remedial action.

Read on for more information:

You Must have held a Full Driving Licence for three of the last five years and Must Not have anymore than three Penalty Points.

Applicants should be aged 21 years or older.

You can find out more about the courses we provide, the structure and ethos we use by clicking Instructor Training.

"Change Your Career & Change Your Life!"

Now Recruiting In Postcode Areas EH, G, KY, FK, ML & PA

            Now Available in the UK! £150 Minimum Amount         

Catz-i.com have been trading for 15 Years and

have assisted in more than 100 ADI Test Passes


Over 2,300 Pupil Test Passes

Our Reputation really is Second to None


